Thursday, February 16, 2012

Motivačná obliekacia básnička

Tento týždeň pre chorobu angličtina nie je. Ako "bolestné" ponúkam na zopakovanie motivačnú básničku o obliekaní, ktorú sme sa učili minulý rok.

The day is cloudy and the wind is bold. 
Dress up warmly, you mustn't get cold!
Put on your coat and zip it up tight, 

put on your left boot, put on your right.
Put on your scarf and put on your hat, 

put on your mittens and clap-clap-clap! 

(Tu je pokračovanie, ktoré sme ale nebrali.)
Go outside and play and play. Come in again, and then we'll say-
Take off your coat that was zipped up tight,
take off your left boot, take off your right.
Take off your scarf, take off your hat,
take off your mittens, and then take a nap!

Good bye!

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